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 Material Handling Planning & Integration

Warehouse Rendering


Send PMH an overview of your present operation along with any drawings, and sketches indicating the amount of loads to be stored and transported from area to area. Please indicate your current automation objectives.

When possible visit our Demonstration Center in Orlando, FL where you could see some of the equipment in operation and discuss your plans with our automation engineers.

Based on your preliminary specification - PMH would supply a budgetary cost and system overview, after which additional meetings and discussions are required to refine the specifications.

PMH requires a comprehensive "Engineering Study" as part of the automation process. The resulting document details the system requirements and expected performance.

VNA (Very Narrow Aisle - questionaire)


Professional Materials Handling Co., Inc.
4203 Landmark Drive
Orlando, FL 32817
Phone: (407) 677-0040
Fax:    (407) 678-0273


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