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Narrow aisle vehicle WD WD

Model WD high performance man-down narrow aisle Turret Truck. Lifts up to 43 ft. Work-aisle width = load length +16”. 72 Volt electrical system and advanced electronic components provide unbeatable performance while maintaining the Highest standard of Quality throughout.

             more than a forklift                          .steinbock_logo.jpg (8892 bytes)
Narrow aisle Turret Trucks save more space than any other type of lift truck. The model WD saves even more, (request the product feature booklet), works faster, safer and more dependable - look for high throughput applications.

The model WM is the most popular version of our narrow aisle Turret Trucks. Features include lifting heights up to 23 ft and a capacity of 2750 lbs. The 48 volt electrical system provides efficiency for a full 10 hr shift.
The ideal truck for the average warehouse with ceiling heights up to 30 ft. Equally adept at manual or guided operations, since the operator is unhindered by visual obstructions. The ideal narrow aisle forklift for paperless warehousing - the operator can scan the label without leaving his seat. 
Narrow aisle vehicle WMWM

RF terminal with locator inventory control software

data communications

PMH Data Communications equipment and PMH software combine to enhance narrow aisle vehicles - integrated and fit with the latest graphic terminals. Choice of RF (Radio Frequency) or IR (InfraRed) communication systems. 
In house software development and support offers customers a single source solution - in some cases upgradeable to full automation (request product info on WM / WK / Depotmat AGV systems)

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