
Lancer Sidelifts


500 SeriesSidelifts

If the load is significantly wider than a forklift, chances are a sidelift is the truck you need!

Why sidelifts?

While it's traveling, a sidelift carries the load on a flat, stable platform. So the forks and mast suffer less wear and tear. And the load itself remains unstressed, undistorted, undamaged.

Available in capacities from 3 ton to 30 ton.


Sideloader in LumberyardWheel Hydraulic


500 Series


The New Lancer 500 Series
4000kg - 6000kg capacity

500 Series at Work


PHM Logo
Professional Materials Handling Co., Inc.
4203 Landmark Drive
Orlando, FL 32817
Phone: (407) 677-0040
Fax:    (407) 678-0273


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