
Model WD


WD Model The WD series truck is exceptionally compact and loaded with todays technical features, enabling the highest possible degree of performance. Safety and ergonomics were prime factors in its design.

Capacities range from 2200 - 3300 lbs. The capacity is not measured at the ground level as some of its competitors, but rather at normal working elevations to ensure safe operation.

Maximum fork elevation for the Depotlift is 42 feet, the required working aisle width is only 16" more then the load insertion dimension or for 64" for a 48" pallet.

The WD is constructed for handling full pallet loads in very narrow aisles. The vehicle can be manually operated or automated to full driverless application.

Links to additional description and features of the WD & specifications can be obtained by clicking on WD specs


Features include:Warehouse

Stepless ~ac hydraulic motor control via rpm - no proportional valves
Ergonomic drivers compartment designed for the full shift application - powered                  rotating operators compartment swivels seat and controls at the flip of a                  switch
Electric power steering
Automatic sideshift & rotation end-dampening
Three independent braking systems
Power feed back to battery on travel and lift circuits
~ ac powered motors contain NO brushes or contactors
On-board computer with CanBus technology - centralizes all sensors and                  controls eliminating 60% of standard wiring
Battery powered ~ ac control system with utmost programmable travel &                  hydraulic characteristics to suit the individual customer application
Memory fault detection and remote diagnostics - allows expeditious fault finding via laptop or remote service                  facility


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Professional Materials Handling Co., Inc.
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Orlando, FL 32817
Phone: (407) 677-0040
Fax:    (407) 678-0273


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